Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Animal Cell

The nucleus is an organelle only found in eukaryotic cells. It is the center of an atom which contains the protons and neutrons. In cells it is a structure that contains the genetic material (DNA) and controls the cells activities. 
The Nucleolus is a small, dense region within most nuclei in which the assembly of proteins begins.

The Nuclear Membrane (envelope) covers the nucleus and controls what enters and exits the nucleus. Like the cell membrane the nuclear membrane consists of two layers of lipids known as the lipid bi-layer.
The cell membrane controls what enters and exits the cell. It uses processes known as endocytosis and exocytosis to bring in what it needs and dispose of what is doesn't. The membrane is also a lipid bi-layer and has protiens known as marker and channel proteins that aid in the disposal and entrance of materials.
DNA stands for deoxyribonucleic acid. It is the hereditary material that is found in nearly all organisms. The DNA is located in the cell nucleus, but can also be found in the mitocondria in small amounts.
The vacuole is an organelle that is found in all plant and fungal cells and some animal, protist, and bacterial cells. When found in a plant cell it is large but in the animal cell it is small.

 The mitochondria is an organelle that produces the energy needed for the cell to survive. In the plant cell the mitochondria and the chloroplast produce energy for the cell.
The lysosome breaks down and disposes of waste that the cell produces. The lysosome is found only in animal cells.
The endoplasmic reticulum is an organelle that is found in both plant and animal cells. The function is to transport materials throughout the cell. The rough endoplasmic reticulum has "bumps"on it which are made of the cells ribosomes.

Ribosomes are organelles that make the cells proteins. Ribosomes are also found on the rough endoplasmic reticulum. ribosomes are found in both animal and plant cells.
The cytoplasm is a gel like substance that keeps the other organelles suspended. It also uses enzymes to break down large molecules. 

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